While you may have great intentions in regards to losing weight and becoming healthier, changing too much at once can be overwhelming, and sometimes result in major setbacks.
But if you make gradual changes here and there, you’ll soon be living a fruitful, healthier lifestyle without even realizing it!
Here are 10 ways to make each day healthier so you can lose weight and lower your risk of experiencing major health problems.
1. Be a smarter shopper
Eat before you go grocery shopping so you’re not tempted to make impulse food purchases on an empty stomach. Make a grocery list ahead of time, and stick to the list. Buy lots of produce, lean cuts of meat, and healthy snacks such as nuts, seeds, and yogurt. If junk food isn’t in your house, then you won’t be tempted to eat it.
2. Exchange long workout routines for shorter ones
Emerging evidence continues to show that short, intense bursts of exercise are more effective at burning fat than long one- or two-hour sessions at the gym. Engage in some type of interval training, or turn your one-hour steady jog on the treadmill into a 20-minute routine where you sprint for two minutes, cool down for 30 seconds, and repeat.
3. Do more strength training
Strength training will help you burn calories for up to 36 hours following your workout, even when you’re just sitting down! Either lift weights or do anaerobic exercises that will work and strengthen your muscles at least two times per week.
4. Pay attention to breathing patterns
Shallow breathing does very little to benefit your health. Instead, focus on taking deep breaths throughout the day, especially when you’re feeling a bit anxious or stressed. Practicing deep breathing and focusing on your diaphragm also promotes improved nervous system function and digestion.
5. Replace one “bad” food item with one that’s “good”
Start choosing one “unhealthy” or “bad” food from each meal and replace it with a healthier food item. For example, if your lunch typically consists of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a bag of chips, start by replacing the chips with an apple, or a bag of nuts. The following week, replace the white bread on your sandwich with whole-wheat bread.