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3 common myths about nutrition, debunked

Talk to anyone about nutrition, and you’re bound to learn that their opinions, knowledge, and beliefs about nutrition vary significantly from yours.

Updated: December 6, 2020
Nutrition Myths Debunked
By MBL Featured Blogger: Karen Eisenbraun
Originally Posted: August 13, 2020

Nutrition Myths Debunked | Some people swear that avocados are fattening, while others know that avocados are actually rich in healthy fats that contribute to good heart health.

Some people also say that all foods labeled as “organic” and “all-natural” should not be avoided because they contain only healthy ingredients, whereas others know that some processed foods labeled as organic or all-natural may still contain sugar, sodium, and preservatives.

Now that the Internet is everyone’s go-to source for research and information in today’s society, many will believe what they read online, regardless of whether the information was penned by WebMD or an aspiring blogger down the street. If you end up practicing certain nutritional habits that you pick up from the Internet, you could be putting yourself at risk for worsened health or difficulty with weight loss.

If your goal is to become healthier and lose weight, it’s important to learn how to separate fact from fiction so you can make healthy choices that are best for you and your health. Here are three common nutrition myths debunked.

Myth #1: Eggs are bad for your cholesterol

Many people will limit their intake of eggs, or consume products made with egg whites instead of eggs with yolk. At some point in the past, media outlets said that eggs and egg yolks contribute to worsened heart health and increase the risk for cardiovascular disease. However, new research has proven that eggs actually have no adverse effects on your cholesterol or heart health, and are actually rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that can boost your overall health. Stop avoiding eggs, and consume them regularly to benefit from their protein and omega-3 fatty acids. If anything, eggs may only have been contributing to worsened cholesterol if you were frying them in margarine, butter, or loading them with processed cheese.

Myth #2: Artificial sweeteners are healthier than sugar

In the past, health care professionals stated that artificial sweeteners were ideal for those with type 2 diabetes and those who were trying to lose weight. However, various studies conducted over the past few years have shown that artificial sweeteners are linked to obesity and weight gain, and are actually worse for your health than regular sugar. Diet sodas have even been proven harmful for your health and detrimental to your weight-loss efforts.

Artificial sweeteners are just that: artificial. Artificial foods made with man-made chemicals and ingredients contain zero vitamins and nutrients, and are associated with little to no nutritional benefits. Science has even shown that artificial sweeteners are nearly 1,000 times sweeter than sugar, and can alter your hormones in a way that makes you crave more junk foods. Avoid consuming any products that contain artificial sweetener, and if you insist on eating any sweets, eat those that just contain sugar.

Myth #3: High-fructose corn syrup and sugar are one and the same

High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a chemical formula comprised of 80 percent fructose and 20 percent glucose that has been shown to increase a person’s risk for obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, and heart disease. On the other hand, regular table sugar is comprised of 50 percent fructose and 50 percent glucose. The human body metabolizes table sugar far differently from how it processes HFCS, the latter of which can also increase the risk for gout, kidney stones, and faster aging due to its higher fructose content. In the human body, the liver metabolizes fructose in a relatively seamless manner, which means that consuming too much fructose can result in flooded metabolic pathways and increased fat storage. Cut out HCFS from your diet as soon as possible to lower your risk for major health problems.




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Author Details

Karen Eisenbraun is a certified holistic nutrition consultant and writer with a background in digital marketing. She has written extensively on the topics of nutrition and holistic health for many leading websites.

Karen received her nutrition certification from the American College of Healthcare Sciences in 2012. She follows a ketogenic diet and practices intermittent fasting. Karen advocates a whole foods approach to nutrition and believes in empowering yourself with information that allows you to make smarter decisions about your health.

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